Wednesday, January 21, 2009

RanDom-Ness On Me~~~


Am so glad that we are coming to the end of this tiresome +stressful week!
Don't you just feel great when that heavy burden on your shoulder is finally gone?
If you ask me, 
I definitely feel lighter now!
*hops hops hops*

Well....Well..I'm so emotionally unstable nowadays.
It's just so weird.
A small tiny gesture will be able to make me smile or grin till the maximum or shall I say till my tiny eyes close.
A small tiny gesture will also make me sad or make me think a lot.
It's quite disturbing at times and it causes me to have sleeping deprivations..

Okie.As i was looking through some article from network..
I realized something>~...About love ya..~~Again..And again~~~
I REALIZED>>>>REALIZED>>>A THOUGHT that strenghten My mind.~~


Depending on the reasons why your romance came to an end, you probably don't have many chances to reconnect with the person you love. Usually when a couple decides to have a separation, there is no real identification between them, no real love, etc.

However, there are cases when a separation makes the relationship after it much stronger, because the couple realizes that they need to be together and that their problems can easily be solved.

What really matters is the love they feel for each other.

Many times there are other factors influencing a relationship, the couple starts facing problems that don't depend on their will and in the end, they arrive at a point where only a separation seems to be the right solution, even though they love each other very much and they could be happy together, if they didn't have so many obstacles in their way...

Of course if you still are in love, you want your ex back, and you don't care about anything else... you cannot think logically.

However, be reasonable and sincerely answer these questions:

  1. Where you happy with this relationship?
  2. Does he or she really fit with you? Do you feel that you both have similar or identical personalities?
  3. How is your future with him or her going to be?
  4. Do you really believe that this relationship is perfect for you on all points?If you could give a positive answer to all these questions, then try to understand why he or she decided to have a separation, why they don't want to continue the relationship with you, etc.


    If you know that the reason is the appearance of another person in their lives, then you had better forget them. Or, you had better give them enough time to perceive that they are making a mistake.

    If you try to conquer them back now that they are in love with someone else, you have no chance of success.Otherwise, you have to accept their decision, thinking that if they cannot evaluate who you are and prefer you instead of someone else, this is because they will never make you happy.

    You want to have a relationship in order to be happy with your partner. If he or she only makes you suffer, you had better live alone...Don't insist if you see that they don't feel that you are special to them, because even if you manage to conquer them back, they will leave you again later, which will be worse.

    Only if you truly believe that they probably love you and that you both are the perfect couple because you'll really be happy together, then there is meaning in trying to get them back.If this is the case, show them you still love them and that you are waiting for them.

    Your own dreams will guide you in this difficult period of time, since you have objective information about the person you love there. Be wise and learn everything you can about them only by interpreting your own dreams, and act based on the reality as it is, and not based on your suppositions.

    This is in fact the only way you'll know for sure if he or she really loves you, if they still want you and mainly: if this relationship will really be good for you.

    Trust the wisdom of the unconscious mind that sends you protective dreams everyday in order to save your human side from the attacks of the wild side of your conscience. Don't trust your suppositions, because if you are in love, you simply want to believe that he or she still loves you...

    Learn the truth, and learn how to find the right person for you, if the person you love today is not your perfect match, because only your perfect match will make you happy. You should never accept having relationships that won't give you the happiness you need! Only if the person you love today is really the perfect one for you, will the wise unconscious mind help you get them back without a doubt.

     A decision that changed our relationship and life forever

     When we first got together we made one of the most important decisions we've ever made. We made a conscious decision that we weren't willing to settle for anything less than an incredible relationship. 

    We made the decision that we were willing do whatever was necessary to create this relationship filled with lots of love, passion and a truly heartfelt connection and friendship with each other. 

    Now we know beyond a shadow of a doubt,  that it is truly possible for you to have the love you want in your life. 

    But, In order to have the kind of relationships you've always hoped for, dreamed about, prayed for and cried about--there are certain things that you have to begin doing differently than you're doing now. 

    Its sad but it's true..~the fact~~Most people are in unhappy relationships.(My opinion)

    Why do I think this is?

    If your relationship is like most others, when you first got together with someone, there was lots of excitement, love, friendship, connection and yes, even passion.

    Then, as time passed-- you started getting that empty feeling inside and began asking yourself questions like... "is this all there is?", "where did the passion go?", "how come I don't see you as much as I'd like", or "why can't you be the way you used to be?"

    If you're not in a relationship right now-- you're probably asking yourself questions like, "why can't I find someone I really want to be with?" or "where are the people who are interested in having more fun, enjoying life and have the same values as me?"

    These are some possible thoughts that people want more from their relationships than they'd been able to have up until now.

    -You've tried everything you know--but you still want more.

    -You want more love in your life.

    -More understanding.

    -More Passion.

    -A deeper connection.

    -Better communication

    and More trust.


    These are the same kinds of things we all want in our relationships. The trouble is, most of us never figure out how to have them.

    Relationships can be painful. If you're like most people, you're sick of the struggle, the pain and the frustration of trying to get what you want in a relationship.

    So,Do appreciate the moment you all have and Move on~..Wish My friends..Cheers~~

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